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My brother is an original singer/songwriter. His band is The Jonah Kit

Jay Dancing Bear is a singer/songwriter, guitar teacher, masseuse, ex-patriot Bronx wanderer worth knowing.

Dave Eggers does good works
Randy Clark's Crowsong     
Goodnight, Texas
Blue Bear

Isaac Pingree directs, shoots, detects
Alrik Bursell Strange Thing!
Emile B Klein Painter of portraits, Gentleman

Lemon DeGeorge recorded and mixed our albums.
Paul Carlsen mixed and mastered our tracks.

Read about us on Wikipedia.


Bartleby the Scrivener        Herman Melville
The Fiddler                         Herman Melville
I and My Chimney               Herman Melville 
The Lightning-Rod Man      Herman Melville                                        
To Build A Fire                    Jack London                                         
A Nervous Breakdown         Anton Chekhov
Happiness                           Anton Chekhov                                      
After                                    Guy de Maupassant                                
The Three Hermits              Leo Tolstoy
Her Letters                          Kate Chopin                                           
Unhappiness                       Franz Kafka
My Destination                    F. Kafka                      
A Hunger Artist                    F. Kafka  
The Metamorphosis            F. Kafka                                         
Paper Pills                          Sherwood Anderson
Death in the Woods            Sherwood Anderson                               
The Crocodile                     Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Nose                            Nikolai Gogol





A Sort of Song

Let the snake wait under
his weed
and the writing
be of words, slow and quick, sharp
to strike, quiet to wait,
---through metaphor to reconcile
the people and the stones.
Compose.  (No ideas
but in things)  Invent!
Saxifrage is my flower that splits
the rocks.   

-William Carlos Williams


Deer Tracks

Beautiful, sobbing, high-geared fucking

and then to lie 

silently like deer tracks 

in the freshly-fallen snow

beside the one you love.

That's all.

-Richard Brautigan

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